Prepare for the Texas Summer Heat - Pearson Air

The question has to be asked – are you prepared to battle this Texas summer heat?  According to forecasting experts, our DFW summer is expected to be another scorcher with record temperatures on the way.  So again we ask – are you prepared?

There are several ways to prepare for the Texas summer heat in your home.  Here are just a few:

  • Change out your air filters
  • Put up curtains or blinds to block out the Texas sun
  • Plant trees appropriately in your yard to provide shade to certain areas of your home
  • Educate your children on keeping doors closed to avoid that nice cool A/C air from escaping
  • Consider getting a Home Comfort Consulation from our very own Brad Martin – contact him here

Another option to help keep your home cool this summer is to look at changing out that old A/C unit for a new installation.  Older A/C units may run inefficiently or even break down completely when stressed during the peak summer season.

blog_250offCurrently, we are offering a $250 discount for any complete system installation.  You can work directly with Todd Thompson, our Retail Sales contact at Pearson Air.  Contact Todd here or by calling our office at 817-226-7400.

Do you have any special tips to prepare your home for summer?  Leave a comment – we’d love to hear from you!

Stacey Pearson, Owner
